Math for Meds: Dosage and Solutions - dosages & solutions
Anna M. Curren
CENGAGE Delmar Learning (2004)
In Collection
Medical / Education & Training, Medical / Nursing / General, Medical / Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Arithmetic, Pharmaceutical Arithmetic/ Programmed Instruction
Paperback 9781401831226
Follow the leader. Math for Meds has helped nearly one million nurses and other health care professionals become safe practitioners of dosage calculations. This classic resource continues to blaze the trail into a ninth edition, with its ratio and proportion method and building-block organization. Hundreds of full-color images of drug labels, syringes, and equipment complement the range of calculation competenciesfrom reading medication labels to calculating flow rates for heparin infusion. The straightforward language has also been retained, as the ninth edition preserves the tradition of making the complex understandable.