The Medical Assistant: Administrative and Clinical
Mary E. Kinn; MaryAnn Woods PhD RN CMA
W.B. Saunders Company (1999)
In Collection
Allied Health Personnel, Medical / Allied Health Services / Medical Assistants, Medical / Physicians, Medical Assistants, Medical Secretaries
Hardcover 9780721672991
This full-color 8th Edition covers the administrative and clinical skills medical assistants need to know to carry out their duties. The 8th Edition integrates all of the topics and skills competencies required by the American Association of Medical Assistants entry-level Medical Assisting Curriculum. It features chapter outlines and learning objectives as well as lots of pertinent information such as personal qulities, skills, responsibilities, types of patient education, and legal and ethical isues. Also included are real-life examples, quizzes and answers. A free interactive CD-Rom ispackaged in the book.